William Fugate – Seventh Grade Teacher

Free Press -
August 9, 1967
William A. Fugate
Caldwell - William Archie Fugate, 70, Caldwell
Route 3, died at his home in the Marble Front community this morning.
He was born Feb. 8, 1897, at
Colby, Kan. He came to Caldwell in September of 1905 from Colby, and
bought a farm in the Marble Front community. He returned to Colby, then came
back to Idaho
in 1908 and bought the present family home. He was graduated from the College of Idaho in 1918, and was a World War I
veteran, serving overseas.
He was married to Letha Rose June 9, 1927, in
Caldwell, by the late Dr. William J. Boone. Mr. Fugate
taught mathematics and history for 35 years, and also in Huston and Homedale
schools. He retired in 1967.
A brother, Ray Fugate, preceded him in death in 1966 at
He was a member of the First Christian Church, a past master of Mr.
Moriah Masonic Lodge No. 39, AF & AM, a member of Hermosa Chapter No. 32, Order
of Eastern Star, and a past president of the district teachers' association at Boise.
Surviving are his wife; a son, William Fugate, Santa
Cruz, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Baird,
Long Beach, Calif.; a sister, Mrs.
Ethel Walker, of Arco, Idaho; and six grandchildren.
Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Peckham-Dakan Chapel.
Officiating will be the Rev. Ernest Chamberlain of the First Christian Church.
Interment will be at Canyon
Cemetery. Graveside
services will be conducted by Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge No. 39, AF & AM.